
Jeweled Easter Egg Wreath

Jeweled Easter Egg Wreath

This is a fun, inexpensive craft project, and one that your kids will love to do. This Jeweled Easter Egg Wreath comes out beautiful, and will make your home festive for the Easter Holidays.

Here's what you need.


1- 6" Grape Vine Wreath

Acrylic Felt Sheets- Lt. Pink, Lt. Violet, Lt. Yellow, Lt. Green, and White

Craft Glue

Hot Glue Gun, with Glue Sticks


Sharpie Black Marker

Tooth Picks

1- Printable Egg Template (Provided)


Pkg. of Iridesent Sequins-5mm

Baby Rick Rack- ? of Lt. Pink, and Baby Blue (or any pastel colors you choose)

Pastel Colored Acrylic Jewels about 7mm

Ribbon Bow Accents (Tiny little flowers or any accents you choose)

Pastel Colored Craft Ribbon- 1/8" each- Suggested Colors- Pink, Violet, Baby Blue, Yellow, and White

1- Roll of Craft Ribbon (any Pastel Color) ? to top the wreath with. (Picture shows Lt. Yellow Ribbon)

4-5 Glitter Fabric Paints- (Any Pastel Colors, I suggest "Scribbles" fabric paint)

Note: For the embellishments you may choose anything you like as long as it's in light pastel colors, and is festive. To cut down on the cost you many even just use the fabric paints to decorate the eggs with.

You will need to print out the Egg Template. Click the following link, Right-Click on Template, Save the Egg Template to your hard drive. Open the Egg Template in your graphics program and print. Note: you may have to adjust the size. The size of the Egg Template needs to be "wallet size". http://www.craftsxcetra.com/images/egg_template.gif (Printable Egg Template)

Here's what you do.


Print out the Egg Template (wallet size), on "medium" to "heavy" card stock or paper stock. Cut a square around the egg template.

Next, fold the Egg Template in half, and cut around the outline of the egg itself, that way you should have a square with a "cut-out" egg in the middle.

Place the Egg Template on the Felt Sheets, and take the Sharpie black marker, and begin to trace the egg onto the felt squares. (for 1- Wreath, you will need 4- eggs)

Now, There are 2 different ways you can do the next step, 1- decorate your eggs before you cut them from the felt sheets, or 2- Cut the eggs out from the felt sheets, then decorate them, It's up to you, and whatever would be easiest for you. (I found it much more easier to decorate the eggs before cutting them from the felt sheets).

Using Craft Glue, and Tooth Picks (Tooth Picks are to help "push" embellishments down onto the egg). Decorate your eggs with the Baby Rick Rack, Iridescent Sequins, and the Acrylic Jewels. You can decorate your eggs with whatever, or however you wish, Just be creative. You can even just use the fabric paints to decorate the eggs with.

Using the Glitter fabric Paints, Trace around the outer edges of the eggs, Let dry at least 24hrs.

While the Fabric Paint is drying, you can take the 1/8" Craft Ribbons, and wrap them around the Grape Vine Wreath.

Cut about 60" of each ribbon, Put them all together, and tie a knot at one end. Start wrapping the tied ribbons around the wreath, make sure you leave space between while wrapping. Tie off the end at the top of the Wreath.

After 24hrs, and the Fabric Pain has dried, Using your Hot Glue Gun, Glue the 4 decorated eggs on to the Grape Vine Wreath.

Next, Using your Hot Glue Gun, Glue the Accents in between the eggs.

Last, Cut the 1/4" Ribbon (To Top Off The Wreath) Cut about 24", or How ever long you want the ribbon to hang down. Tie a pretty bow, and Hot Glue it to the top of the wreath.

And..."That's It"!

You now have a beautiful Jeweled Easter Egg Wreath to hang up in your home.

I bought all my supplies for this project at Joanns, You can order these online as well at: http://www.jdoqocy.com/28108nmvsmu9BFHFAII9BACIJIID Free Shipping @ joann.com! ($25 order minimum) Use promo code MARFSA525

To See A Picture of The Jeweled Easter Egg Wreath http://www.craftsxcetra.com/images/jeweled_easter_egg_wreathvw1.jpg

"Happy Easter!"

About the Author:

Lynda K. Smith, is the owner and webmaster of www.craftsxcetra.com

She lives in Texas with her Husband and Two Children. Her hobbies are sewing, crafts, and web design.

